DFAT Australia Awards
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia Awards are an important component of Australia's investment in education. They provide long and short-term study and professional development opportunities to citizens from developing countries around the globe.
The ANU is proud to host one of the largest cohorts of Australia Awards scholars in Australia. The scholarship program aims to improve mutual understanding between Australia and partner countries through education and enrichment
If you have recently received an Australia Awards Offer to study at ANU, we have some important pre-arrival information for you such as how to accept your offer, organising accommodation and airport pickup etc.
*If you are interested in becoming an Australia Awards Scholar, please first visit the DFAT Australia Awards Website for more information on the list of participating countries and the overall application process.
Contact Details
Australia Awards Team
Di Riddell Student Centre, Building 154 University Avenue, Acton ACT 2601
Australia Awards Crawford Team
Nooraishah Zainuddin nooraishah.zainuddin@anu.edu.au or Lam Que Hua Lam.Hua@anu.edu.au
132 Lennox Crossing, Acton ACT 2601
Reference documents
- Adjusting to life at ANU (DOCX, 2.74 MB)
- Canberra Map (PDF, 932.16 KB)
- OSHC Policy Essentials (PDF, 157.08 KB)
- OSHC 2024 Premiums (PDF, 86.7 KB)
- OSHC Information Brochure (PDF, 1.8 MB)
- ANU Campus Map (PDF, 1019.91 KB)
- Pre-Departure Guide 2025 (PPTX, 4.41 MB)
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.