Associate Professor Josh Neoh

I believe that we can be a great law faculty within a great university, and being among the world's best is what we should aim for. I am an alumnus and academic staff member of the ANU College of Law. I received my LLB at the ANU, LLM at Yale and PhD at Cambridge. I was successively Lecturer (2013-16), Senior Lecturer (2017-19), and Associate Professor (2020-present) at the ANU College of Law. If elected to the ANU Academic Board, I will be committed to providing advocacy and accountability to my electorate, namely, the faculty members of the ANU College of Law. On the advocacy front, I will present and defend our views robustly to the central university administration at Academic Board. On the accountability front, I will provide comprehensive reports on what is happening at Academic Board to faculty members for critique and criticism.

We have all now moved to online teaching because of the pandemic, as we should, but the pandemic will pass, and when it passes, will our teaching practice have changed irrevocably? That will be one of the first questions that I intend to raise at Academic Board, if elected.

Picture of Neoh Josh
Associate Professor Josh Neoh