Ms Jo Haslam

I'm the Strategic Partnerships Manager for CHL and commenced at ANU in 2019. I bring to the role over a decade of experience working in collaborative roles from developing professional networks to business development. My expertise is connecting people, places and ideas to create outcomes that are greater than the sum of its parts.  Within higher education this means I work with academics, professional staff, and industry to curate concepts to make transformational change.

I've nominated for the Board as I believe that professional staff are vital to university success. I would embrace the opportunity to build upon university wide networks as the board provides a platform for transdisciplinary and transprofessional collaborations.  In the time I have been at ANU I have been fortunate to collaborate with a wide range of people from across the university on a range of projects. The academic board provides a formalised extension of this activity and enables me to represent my colleagues who actively participate in meaningful collaborative and cooperative activity.  The creation of the professional spaces through transprofessional collaboration strengthens our academic, research and engagement offerings, which will enable ANU to be responsive to current and future challenges.

I would appreciate this opportunity to participate, contribute and learn through membership to the Academic board.

Picture of Jo Haslam
Ms Jo Haslam