2015 Queen's Birthday Honours recipients
Mr Thomas Howe PSM QC
BA 1980, LLB 1982
For outstanding public service through Commonwealth litigation.
Mrs Marion Jarratt OAM
BA 1968
For service to the community through roles with the Burrendong Botanic Garden and Arboretum.
Professor Brij Lal AM
PhD 1981
For significant service to education, through the preservation and teaching of Pacific history, as a scholar, author and commentator.
Ms Frances Lisson PSM
BEc 1988, GradDipForAff&Tde 1992
For outstanding public service in the establishment of free trade agreements with China, Japan and Korea.
Mr Keith Low AFSM
BSc (Forestry) 1981
Dedicated service and outstanding contribution to fire fighting and leadership in fire management in Australia and overseas.
Mrs Helen Musa OAM
GradDipSEAsianStudies (Hons) 1991
For service to the performing and visual arts as a critic and magazine editor.
Mr Graeme Neate AM
BA 1977, LLB (Hons) 1979
For significant service to the law as a leading contributor to Indigenous land rights, and to legal education.
Professor Murray Norris AM
BSc 1977
For significant service to medical research as a molecular biologist, and through pioneering development of treatments for cancer in children.
Mr Finn Pratt AO PSM
BA 1983
For distinguished service to public administration, to social policy development and government service delivery reform, and to care and support for people with a disability, their families and carers.
Dr William Hugh Smith AM
PhD 1971
For significant service to higher education as an academic and researcher in the field of military sociology, and to the community.
Dr Heather Smith PSM
MEc 1990, PhD 1994
For outstanding public service as Australia's 'sherpa' for the G20, 2014.
Dr Tuck Meng Soo OAM
GradDipPoplnHlth 1994
For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory as a medical practitioner.
Mr Stephen Brown PSM OAM
LLB (Hons) 1965
For service to the Catholic Church in Australia, and to the community of the Australian Capital Territory.
Lieutenant Colonel Grant Chambers CSM
Master of Military Studies 2012
For meritorious achievement as Senior Instructor at Combat Command Wing, School of Armour.
Mr Russell Taylor AM
GradDipArts (Hons) 2003
For significant service to the community as a cultural leader and public sector executive in the field of Indigenous affairs.
Dr Nickless Hugh Craft OAM
PhD 2009
For service to public administration, and to the community, particularly in relation to the Commonwealth of Nations.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Deborah Terry AO FASSA
BA (Hons) 1985, PhD 1989
For distinguished service to education in the tertiary sector through senior administrative roles, as an academic and researcher in the field of psychology, and as a mentor.
The Reverend Dr Harold Cummins OAM
MA 1977, PhD 1981
For service to the community of Nundle through a range of organisations.
Mr Peter West AFSM
BSc (Forestry) 1986
Dedicated service and outstanding contribution to fire fighting and leadership in fire management in Victoria.
Colonel Jennifer Woodward CSC
BA 1979
For outstanding achievement as a Military Judge, Judge Advocate and Defence Force Magistrate.
Adjunct Professor Sarah-Jane Halton AO PSM
BA (Hons) 1982
For distinguished service to public administration, particularly to the health and aged care sectors, through the development and implementation of public policy, and to professional national and international organisations.
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