Alumni focus groups - Tell us what matters to you

The Australian National University (ANU) seeks to understand how we can support meaningful connections with its alumni community. To shape our future engagement efforts, the ANU invites alumni to join focus groups and to contribute to surveys for feedback from time to time.

Hearing directly from you enables us to understand what matters most to you, and how you would like to stay connected with ANU. This will help us to best meet alumni needs and to provide alumni with meaningful ways to engage with the University.

Focus groups are offered both online and in-person to enable broad participation from alumni wherever they may be. Through these sessions, we aim to gather insights that will shape future alumni initiatives and foster a more connected community.

We are particularly interested in hearing from alumni who may not have been as connected recently to better understand and support the diverse needs and interests across the alumni community.

Please register your interest to join one of our focus groups by clicking the link provided.

Data Privacy: ANU Advancement recognises the importance of data privacy and protection of personal information. The data provided may include personal and confidential information and is intended for ANU internal use only. All personal information must be handled in accordance with the ANU data privacy policy. Sharing any part of this data with third parties is prohibited without written permission from ANU Advancement. The information provided must only be used for the intended purpose and should not be stored or distributed further.


Page Owner: Alumni