18th Annual Dymphna Clark Lecture: Amy Remeikis – The politics of civility

Power never cedes willingly. And in the fight for more seats at the table, there has been one common weapon policing who is able to speak, and more importantly, who is able to be heard: civility. Those who hold power like to use the politics of civility as weapons. Using the wrong language? You're too rude to be heard. Angry over injustices? You're too emotional, too immature. The constant calls for 'civil conversation' and the demands that people fit their voices inside what has been deemed acceptable discourse means we continue to not only leave people out, but discredit those whose perspectives we need to hear. The politics of civility are based on the premise that to be heard, you must be polite and follow the rules. But that's never how we have created change. It's how we've held it back.

Amy Remeikis is a political reporter with The Guardian and currently is at the helm of the Guardian's popular Politics Live blog. She is a regular contributor to The Drum, Insiders, The Project, and ABC Radio National programs. Amy is also the author of the bestselling book, On Reckoning. There will be a Q&A session following the address, then light refreshments.

Date and Times


Room: Kambri Cinema


Cost Per Person

From: $20.00
