2021 Conversations - connection and disconnection (Webinar 3: global connections and disconnections: markets, state, earth)

Presented by ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

This is the third webinar in the 2021 Conversations - connection and disconnection webinar series.

Webinar 3 - Global connections and disconnections: markets, state, earth

Tuesday 26 October | 12.30pm - 2pm

Growing strategic competition between some of the most powerful states in the world will have significant impacts on the relationships between actors across multiple policy domains. The effect could be to recast how we govern the globe. Some states will remain connected sharing technology, data and finance, others will not. Firms may find new state controls imposed on them, restricting their operations in some domains, and enabling them in others. In this panel, we will explore these entanglements and their corollary across actors and institutions in the domains of climate, energy, trade and intellectual property.


(Facilitator) Associate Professor Christian Downie holds an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellowship and was previously a Vice Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of New South Wales. Christian has worked as an advisor to several Australian Government agencies, including the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Christian holds a PhD in international relations and political science from the Australian National University, having graduated from the University of Sydney with first class honours in economics. He has spent time teaching or researching at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Balsillie School of International Affairs among others, and he has worked in policy think tanks in Canberra and Washington D.C. Christian is the author of more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters including publications in Regulation & Governance, Global Environmental Politics, Energy Policy, Climate Policy, International Affairs, Business & Politics and Third World Quarterly. His latest book is Business Battles in the U.S. Energy Sector: Lessons for a clean energy transition.

Emeritus Professor Peter Drahos is Professor of Law and Governance at the European University Institute, Florence and holds a Chair in Intellectual Property Queen Mary, University of London. He holds degrees in law, politics and philosophy and is admitted as a barrister and solicitor. He has published widely in law and social science journals on a variety of topics including contract, legal philosophy, telecommunications, intellectual property, trade negotiations and international business regulation. His former positions include Herchel Smith Senior Research Fellow in Intellectual Property at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London and officer of the Australian Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department.

Professor Anthea Roberts specialises in public international law, international economic law, comparative international law, and the effect of geopolitical change on global governance. From 2008-2015, Anthea taught at the London School of Economics, Columbia Law School and Harvard Law School. In 2020, she was a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School teaching Geoeconomics. Anthea chairs the ANU Working Group on Geoeconomics and is publishing a book with Professor Nicolas Lamp called Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why it Matters in October 2021 with Harvard University Press. She currently chairs the ANU Working Group on Geoeconomics and teaches an NSC course on Risk, Leadership and Crisis Management. She is interested in developing frameworks and tools for understanding and navigating complex and emerging phenomena.

Dr Jensen Sass is a Braithwaite Fellow at RegNet and was previously ARC Laureate Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra. He completed his PhD at Yale University where his research was supported by the Tobin Project and the American Council of Learned Societies. Jensen works at the intersection of normative political theory and the empirical study of corporations, technology, and the public sphere. His research spans two substantive fields within political science and sociology: the comparative study of political deliberation, and corporate power and democratic politics. He is currently completing a book on Monsanto and the creation of the biotechnology industry in the United States, a story that draws together the worlds of corporate strategy, regulatory politics, and university science. Jensen has published his research in the journals Political Theory, Comparative Sociology, The Journal of Political Philosophy, and Theory and Society, among others.

PhD scholar Alexandre San Martim Portes holds a Master's degree in Public Economics, Law, and Politics from Leuphana University (Germany). During his studies, he had the opportunity to examine the implementation of trade regulation in developing nations, focusing his Master's thesis on Geographical Indications in Colombia. He also worked at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) as a student research assistant. Before that, Alexandre completed a Bachelor's degree in International Relations at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). His research focuses on the implementation of TRIPS-plus patent protection in selected Latin American countries, investigating how these intellectual property rights affect the formulation of sustainable development policies.

Dr Dirk van der Kley is a Research Fellow at RegNet who specialises on the theory of geoeconomics, international economic sanctions, PRC international economic policy and the effect of industrial policy on geopolitics. Dirk is a member of the ANU Working Group on Geoeconomics. He is also a board member for the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs. Prior to joining Regnet, Dirk was the Program Director for Policy Research at China Matters. He previously worked at the Lowy Institute for International Affairs. Dirk has taught at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and held visiting fellowships in China, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.Dirk has a BA (Chinese studies / Mathematics) from the University of Sydney (1st Class Hons), and a PhD from the ANU (Endeavour scholar). He is fluent in Chinese, Russian and currently studying Korean.

Other events in the 2021 Conversations webinar series:

Event 1 - Relationality in a complex world

Tuesday 12 October | 12.30pm - 2pm

View event details and register here

Event 2 - The regulatory state across terrains of governance

Tuesday 19 October | 12.30pm - 2pm

View event details and register here

Date and Times

