A Sunday afternoon Pipe Organ Recital

The Royal School of Church Music Australia, ACT Branch invites you to A Sunday Afternoon Pipe Organ Recital by Canberra Organist Mr Martin Rein.

The hour-long recital will include works by J.S. Bach, Max Reger and Olivier Messiaen, as well as an improvisation based on a tune supplied on the occasion by a member of the audience. 

Mr Martin Rein began his career with extensive studies in Choral Conducting and Sacred Music at Berlin University with Professor Martin Behrmann, one of Germany's leading choral conductors. After completing his Bachelor of Arts, he undertook further postgraduate studies graduating with an Honours degree in Organ Performance as well as with a Master of Music, majoring in Choral and Orchestral conducting. As an organist, Martin Rein has given performances at many locations across six continents. These include prominent locations such as Westminster Abbey, Westminster Cathedral, St. Paul's Cathedral London, both Cathedrals in Berlin and Notre Dame in Paris.  

Date and Times


51 Daley Road,
Acton ACT, Australia
Canberra, ACT, 2601

Cost Per Person

