ANU MedRevue 2023: Malpractice in Wonderland

Presented by ANU College of Health & Medicine

Welcome to the Madhouse of Medicine, where nothing quite makes sense. The Queen of Hearts is your clinical supervisor, your tutor grins at you and vanishes, and your classmates are...Tweedledee and Tweedledum? Follow Alice as she is thrust into the confusing world of doctors and patients, all while having to complete her student progress report which her strange supervisors have to sign off on.

Featuring live music parodied from iconic musicals and pop songs, brought to life by an enthusiastic cast of talented dancers, singers, actors and muscians.

So come one, come all, to the 2023 ANU Med Revue!

NOTE: Proceeds go to Companion House, a charity that supports adults and children seeking shelter in Australia from torture, abuse, war and other traumas.

Date and Times


111 Casey Cres
Calwell High School
Australian Capital Territory

Cost Per Person

From: $25.00
