ANU Reconciliation Action Plan launch

Please join the Vice-Chancellor and Chancellor at the launch of the ANU 2021-22 Reconciliation Action Plan on Thursday 27 May 2021 in Kambri.

First Nations Elder Paul House will welcome everyone to Country and perform a special digeridoo piece.

The past two centuries of dispossession and racism have profoundly impacted all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life, including access to institutions like ANU. This is the legacy that ANU recognises, acknowledges and accepts. Current generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples bear their histories into institutions like ANU, which benefit enormously from the opportunity to learn from them.

This Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is testament to the University's conviction that it must contribute to righting the wrongs of the past. It recognises that the future has to be founded on relationships of mutual respect and meaningful partnership between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians - a future where cultures, connection to Country, and world views are treated with respect.

It is up to everyone in our community to embrace and understand the University's RAP, and continue to commit to doing everything we can to make sure all Australians have the same life-chances, opportunities and choice.

Date and Times


Room: Amphitheatre

