Artistic Meridians: Connecting Australian and Asian art histories

Artistic Meridians: Connecting Australian and Asian Art Histories

This talk will present some new work relating to a larger transcultural research project currently being developed with colleagues at the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University that seeks to connect art histories in Australia and Asia on the basis of geography and north-south axes of historical contact rather than separate them via the usual east-west binary or divide. In Chinese medicine meridians are pathways in the body along which vital energy flows. Here, art is understood as a vital creative practice that functions as an inner, living, dynamic manifestation of culture. A case study relating to the work of the Australian-born artist Peter Tyndall will be used to re-think art histories based on arts' ability to connect and translate across cultural borders. 


Associate Professor Claire Roberts
Associate Professor, Art History and Curatorship, School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne

This series is an opportunity for our HRC Visiting Fellows to present and receive feedback on the research they are working on. In 2022 , Visiting Fellows are exploring the theme of Mobilities

Date and Times


Room: Al-Falasi Lecture Theatre

