Australia's future tax system

Presented by ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

The year 2001 marked the centenary of the Australian Federation, and the new century promised fresh opportunities as technology developments and an emerging resources boom drove economic growth and revenues. The consequent strong fiscal position perhaps offered a chance to 'buy' some more tax reform. However, the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC) and now the COVID-19 health pandemic, together with a fraught political situation, have obviated opportunities for substantial tax reform.

This seminar will cover tax reform developments over the last 20 years, in particular the 2009 Australia's Future Tax System review and the 2015 tax white paper process with its Re:think discussion paper. It will also look forward to the next tax reform opportunity.

Paul Tilley brings long-standing experience on tax and public finance from his 30-year public service career in Treasury, the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and the OECD. Paul has since published a book on the history of the Australian Treasury, teaches a tax policy course at Melbourne University and is currently writing a series of papers on the history of tax reform in Australia. His research and experience is of great relevance to TTPI's activities.

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