Australia’s Third Act: Reconciled, Independent, Truly Multicultural

Craig Foster AM LLB will give the 23rd Manning Clark Lecture on Tuesday 2 May, commencing at 6pm in the Manning Clark Hall, Kambri Cultural Precinct, ANU Canberra

In the week of the coronation of King Charles III - Australia's undemocratic, unrepresentative and non-elected Head of State - Craig Foster will explore the meaning of contemporary Australian identity, social and cultural changes since the 20th century, lessons from the 1999 Referendum, advances in historical understanding leading to a powerful national movement of truth-telling and reconciliation, and why it is time for Australia to commit to true democracy and equality and walk both together and alone as a Republic.

Craig Foster is the Co-Chair of the Australian Republic Movement and is one of Australia's most respected sportspeople as a broadcaster, social justice advocate and human rights campaigner.

The Manning Clark Lecture has been given annually since 2000 by eminent Australians including The Hon Michael Kirby, Janet Holmes a'Court, Sir Gustav Nossal, Paul Keating, Robyn Archer, Gareth Evans, Germaine Greer and Geoff Gallop.

Media passes are available to representatives of accredited media organisations on application to the Event Organiser (through Trybooking), and there will be a short (10 minute) Media Q&A following the close of the lecture.

Date and Times


Room: Manning Clark Hall
