Board game demo with Jesse Newman, Design student

Presented by ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences

Join Jesse Newman in a special demonstration of his board game 'Tragedy,' 12pm, Sunday 4 December 2022.

Tragedy is a game designed to play with Common-Pool Resources. These are resources which are shared but cannot be easily protected. In Tragedy four players compete to be the first to connect four paths. Each path is made by taking resources from a common pool. This pool grows by only one quarter each round. The capacity for players to over extract resources from a common pool is known as the Tragedy of the Commons. In its basic form this game provides opportunities for players to discuss, ally or sanction the actions of others. After reflecting on the outcomes of these actions the game then provides players the opportunity to write their own rules. As the rules of the game develop through this cycle of action and reflection players engage in the process of Governing the Commons referring to the work of political economist Elinor Ostrom. The mechanics of Tragedy provides an opportunity to explore how reflection, incompleteness and interaction might support the development of shared language and goals.

Read more about the development of the game here.

Jesse is a Bachelor of Design student, exhibiting his work as part of the 2022 Graduating Exhibition.

The exhibition is open daily 10am - 4pm, until 4 December.

Visit Jesse Newman's website.

Date and Times


Room: Upstairs at the front of the School of Art & Design, Building 105, Childers Street, Acton. As you walk upstairs, turn left
