Brenda L. Croft and Aidan Hartshorn — Murrudha: Sovereign walks

Presented by ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences

Join us for Brenda L. Croft and Aidan Hartshorn in conversation about the ANU Grand Challenges project:

Murrudha: Sovereign walks, tracking cultural actions through art, country, language and music

The project team involves First Nations and non-Indigenous academics, who wish to be respectfully inclusive, conducting ongoing two-way culturally truthful consultation with associated First Nations communities during the life of the project, and hopefully beyond.

Since the earliest days of colonial contact there are documented examples of First Nations' peoples undertaking sovereign actions of walking their country. Murrudha: Sovereign walks - tracking cultural actions through art, Country draws inspiration from historical acts of walking on one's traditional Country, and/or travelling across other sovereign lands, that were never ceded, and are deserving of national recognition.

Date and Times


Room: 120 McCoy Circuit Canberra, ACT 2600

