CANCELLED: 22nd Manning Clark Lecture 2022 - RESET: Restoration of Australia after the Pandemic Recession

Please note this event has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

RESET: Restoration of Australia After the Pandemic Recession' explained that Australia could not go back to the economic situation before the recession. Nor should it want to, as they were the Dog Days of persistent unemployment, rising underemployment and stagnant household incomes. RESET required, amongst other things, changes to embrace Australia's opportunities as the energy Superpower of the zero carbon world economy. The new Parliament gives us a chance to get it right. But the resistance to getting it right is deeply entrenched. Respect for knowledge is the key to getting it right, as it was in earlier periods of successful economic policy in the national interest.

There will be a Q&A session following the address, then light refreshments at RSSS

About the speaker

Professor Ross Garnaut AC is an Emeritus Professor in Economics at the ANU and an Emeritus Professor in Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne. Over the past fifty years, he has had many senior roles in business and as a policy advisor and diplomat, including as the senior economic policy official in PNG's Department of Finance in the years straddling Independence in 1975, principal economic adviser to Prime Minister Bob Hawke from 1983 to1985, and Australian Ambassador to China from 1985 to 1988. He was awarded a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) in 2017 for work on climate change and energy.

He is the author of numerous publications in scholarly journals on international economics, public finance and economic development, particularly in relation to East Asia and the Southwest Pacific. His recent books include Superpower: Australia's low carbon opportunity, (2019) and RESET: Restoring Australia after the Pandemic Recession (2021), both published by Black Inc.

He is now Director of ZEN Energy and Director of Renergi.

Date and Times


Room: RSSS Auditorium
