Clean energy transition with energy security: Europe’s plans and policies

Presented by ANU College of Science

The European Union is committed to achieve steep emissions reductions in the energy sector, on the way to net zero emissions. At the same time, there is heightened attention to strengthening energy security, in the context of Russia's war on Ukraine and geopolitical tension. European Commissioner for Energy, Kardi Simson, will explain Europe's energy transition plans and policies. A panel of ANU academics will discuss what this means for Australia, including for potential renewable energy-based trade.

Speakers include:

  • Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy
  • Professor Kylie Catchpole, ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
  • Professor Llewelyn Hughes, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy
  • Associate Professor Emma Aisbett, ANU School of Law an Associate Director (Research) Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge

The panel will be moderated by Professor Frank Jotzo, Head of Energy, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions; Director, Grand Challenge Zero-Carbon Energy for Asia-Pacific; Director, Centre for Climate and Energy Policy.

The event is hosted by the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions in collaboration with the ANU Centre for European Studies.

More information:

  • A light-lunch will be made available for guests before the event from 12.30pm.
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Date and Times


Room: Birch Innovation Space

