Collage Workshop with Dionisia Salas

Join artist Dionisia Salas for a 2 hour collage workshop in the Nicole Ellis: Fabrications exhibition.

Bookings on Eventbrite:

6-8pm March 16 or

6-8pm March 23

Each 2 hour workshop with artist Dionisia Salas explores collage in relation to our current exhibitionFabrications, which covers 30 years of the Sydney-based artist Nicole Ellis' art-making. The workshops will investigate how collage engages with surface, edge and shape, while being a direct means to consider composition and colour relationships.

The exhibition surveys Ellis's rich and complex involvement with collage, assemblage and found materials. Fastidiously selected textiles comprise the "palettes" and provide tones and textures that she moulds into consistently beautiful, poised, luminous compositions.

"I enjoy incidental elements," Ellis explains, "flaws, traces of human touch and gesture, and I seek out different assemblage techniques through experimentation and research. I enjoy the qualities of the worn, aged, broken, torn, the seeming casual, the imperfect, traces of paint and reversals."

However, as critic Anna Johnson has observed, Ellis's method of generating images is "riven with quiet reversals":

Nicole Ellis, Fabrications is curated by Tony Oates

Tickets include a glass of wine. Please bring your own scissors, paper and any materials you may like to collage with including fabric off-cuts, recycled papers, found objects.

Feel free to contact us for more details on materials:

Workshops are limited 10 participants.

More information on Nicole Ellis can be found at:

Date and Times


Cost Per Person

