Creative engagement with Myanmar: using our knowledge outside academia

Presented by ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

This online event is part of the 2022 MYANMAR RESEARCH CENTRE (MRC) DIALOGUE SERIES.

Rose Metro's 2018 novel Have Fun in Burma is set in the Yangon of 2012.

Ten years later, what has and hasn't changed about the dynamics of ethno-religious conflict and international engagement?
How can scholar-activists productively and creatively respond to these dynamics given the current situation in Myanmar?
What does ethical engagement in and representation of Myanmar look like right now?

Rose Metro
University of Missouri-Columbia, USA

Rosalie Metro is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum at the University of Missouri-Columbia, USA. She has been studying the history and education system of Myanmar since 2000.

Cecile Medail
Visiting Fellow, Department of Political and Social Change, ANU

This first dialogue in the series will be held virtually, but all subsequent dialogues will be held in hybrid mode, ie in-person on the ANU Campus, and virtually on zoom.

REGISTER - Please register for the first dialogue on this eventbrite link 
Once you register on Eventbrite, you will receive access to the online event page in Eventbrite where you will find the join link for the zoom meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there.

For more information on the MRC 2022 Dialogue Series please see the MRC website or contact the Convenors

- Cecile Medail,

- Tony Neil,

Date and Times

