Diversity Interventions 2022 SAGE: Systemic approaches that work


Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) Limited is proud to host Diversity Interventions 2022 SAGE: Systemic approaches that work, an international collaborative event aimed at growing the evidence base for gender equity, diversity and inclusion solutions.

Hosted in partnership with Advance HE and Oxford University, Diversity Interventions will be run in tandem between Australia and the UK:

  • 5-6 April 2022 in Australia as a fully online event 

  • 7-8 April 2022 in Oxford, UK as a hybrid in-person and online event (subject to COVID-19 restrictions). 


The purpose of the conference is to: 

  • grow national and international collaborations 

  • showcase impactful equity, diversity and inclusion practices 

  • share knowledge between researchers and practitioners to help amplify and translate evidence-based practices. 

Conference themes 

Initiatives that successfully achieve sustainable, positive change for equity, diversity and inclusion have one thing in common: a holistic systems approach.

Diversity Interventions is an international collaborative event aimed at growing the evidence base for equity and inclusion solutions that work for achieving systemic change. We are also interested in ways to connect theory to practice and translate good practice to broader settings.

Like the rest of the Diversity Interventions series, the presentations and workshops in the SAGE conference provide a space to share institutional actions and results in gender equity, diversity and inclusion - but with a focus on topical issues in the Australian context.

  1. Gender equality action plans. How institutions or departments design, implement and evaluate gender equality action plans.

  2. Innovative interventions. What works (and what doesn't) in addressing underrepresentation in leadership/particular disciplines/key transition points.

  3. Translating lessons and successes. Implementing what works (or learnings from the activities/actions that didn't) outside the original setting and/or scaling up from one part of the organisation to others, or from one sector to another.

  4. Professional development of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) practitioners. What knowledge, skills and experiences are required by EDI practitioners and how to provide these.

  5. Institutional and departmental maturity. Enterprise-wide and departmental approaches that embed gender equality and diversity as business imperatives, show a sophisticated understanding of intersectionality and set the course for lasting change.

  6. Meaningful partnerships and co-design. How institutions and departments are working with or being led by affected groups to change systems.

  7. COVID-19. Impact of COVID-19 on EDI, flexible work and the future of work, and how to adapt EDI interventions and action plans to the new normal.

Abstract submissions

SAGE is actively encouraging abstract submissions from the full range of professionals involved in gender equity, diversity, and inclusion (GEDI), including but not limited to GEDI practitioners, policymakers, advocates, researchers, and academics from any discipline. 

Abstract submissions (and subsequent publication) for the Australian and UK conferences will be managed by a joint international committee. All accepted abstracts will be shared with the delegates of both conferences, and a joint book of abstracts and conference proceedings will be published after the conferences.

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts by 10 March 2022Learn more >>

Date and Times

Cost Per Person

