Echoes of the Empire: Beyond Genghis Khan

Presented by ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

This is a film screening and Q & A session with the filmmaker of the recent documentary, Echoes of the Empire: Beyond Genghis Khan as part of the Mongolia Institute lunchtime seminar series.

Participants will get a free sneak preview of the film prior to its official release, followed by an exclusive inside perspective from the filmmaker on the event day.

The film will be made available over a 72-hour period from 25th to 27th of February, accessible via a specific link for those who registered. We recommend viewing the film prior to the event on 26 February for a more robust and engaging discussion.

About the film

In this stunning cinematic view of Mongolia's past and present, film director and novelist Robert H. Lieberman and long-time creative collaborators PhotoSynthesis Productions take us inside this vast but little-known land.

The New York Times best-selling author Jack Weatherford (Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World) delves into the extraordinary life and times of Genghis Khan. His Mongol Empire, which encompassed all of Asia, much of the Middle East and Europe, continues to affect us even today.

The film's rich soundtrack weaves from ancient throat singing to Russian-influenced opera to contemporary Mongolian rock.

Intimate stories told by Mongolians, from nomads to city dwellers, provide a rare insight into their psyches and the challenges they face in their post-Soviet world.​

Date and Times

