First Wednesday Connect April 2024

Presented by ANU College of Health & Medicine

The April First Wednesday Connect (FWC) is co-hosted by Canberra Innovation Network and ANU College of Health and Medicine. This monthly networking event aims to broaden the innovation ecosystem in Canberra and encourage collaboration between…

  • Entrepreneurs,
  • Students & Researchers
  • Investors
  • Mentors
  • Startups
  • SME’s and
  • Innovators of all sorts.

Hear from Canberra’s emerging entrepreneurs as they take the stage in the high-intensity pitch blitz and learn about groundbreaking innovations that are pinning Canberra on the map as The City of Innovation.

Each month the Canberra Innovation Network collaborates with its foundation partners at various locations around Canberra to offer you diverse learning experiences, fresh perspectives and unique connections. April will be hosted by the Australian National University, College of Health and Medicine. 

FWC is open to all, from students to professionals, business owners to academics, and anyone with an interest in networking, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Looking forward seeing you there!

Date and Times


The Finkel Lecture Theatre
John Curtin School of Medical Research
