Forward Presence for Deterrence: Implications for the Australian Army

Presented by ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

The 2023 Defence Strategic Review placed deterrence and the ability to deploy Australian military forces forward of the continent as key elements of Australia's defence strategy. In their report published by the Army Research Centre, Dr Andrew Carr and Prof Stephan Frühling examine the role of land forces for signalling deterrence commitments, and draw lessons from historical experience for Australia and the Australian Army.

Join us for the launch remarks by the Chief of Army, Lt Gen Simon Stuart, followed by Q&A with the authors.


Lieutenant General Simon Stuart, AO, DSC

Lieutenant General Stuart assumed command of the Australian Army in July 2022. Enlisting as a soldier in 1987, he was commissioned into the Royal Australian Infantry Corps in 1990. He has over 35 years experience across a range of leadership, operations, training and program management appointments in Australia and overseas. He has commanded on operations in East Timor, Afghanistan and Egypt/Israel.

Prof Air Vice-Marshal (ret) Tracy Smart AO

Tracy Smart is a Professor of Military and Aerospace Medicine at the ANU. Professor Smart's ANU roles include provision of public health guidance on COVID-19 and contributing to the development of its Space Medicine program as an InSpace Mission Specialist. She was the third woman to reach the rank of air vice marshal in the RAAF and was Surgeon General of the ADF from 2015 to 2019.

Dr Andrew Carr

Andrew Carr is a Senior Lecturer in the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University. His research focuses on Strategy, Middle Powers and Australian Defence Policy. He was a Fulbright Professional Fellow in Australia-US Alliance Studies and has published with Melbourne University Press, Oxford University Press and Georgetown University Press.

Prof Stephan Frühling

Stephan Frühling is a Professor in the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre and has widely published on Australian defence policy, defence planning, nuclear weapons and NATO. He was a member of the External Panel of Experts on the development of the 2016 Defence White Paper, Fulbright Professional Fellow in Australia-US Alliance Studies, and research fellow in the NATO Defense College.


*Refreshments will be served.

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Date and Times


Room: Lotus Hall Auditorium

