Gender Institute Research Showcase

Presented by ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences

We invite you to join us in an evening dedicated to our grants recipients and prize-winners of 2022. The event will feature a showcase of our grants projects and our 2022 prize-winners' research.

The event will commence at 6:00pm with light refreshments. We will open with presentations from our grants recipients, followed by the presentation of awards to the 2022 winners of the 2022 GI Prizes for Excellence in Gender and Sexuality Research. Guests will hear from Professor Fiona Jenkins, convenor of the Gender Institute, and the awards will be presented by Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Grady Venville.

Presenters - Grants:

  • Tina Dixon and Renee Dixon: Queer Displacements
  • Karo Moret Miranda: in-gr2ace: intersecting gender, race, religion, (dis)ability, colourism and emotions in Scivias (c.1152)
  • Laura Davy: Young People and the Future of Care - Pilot Study
  • Amy Hamilton: Questions of national (be)longing - critical and theoretical engagements with citizenship


  • Cinnamone Winchester - Honours Thesis: "This is the land I have been looking for all my life!": Polysemic Narratives and Utopian Potential in C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia
  • Bernadette Toohey - Master's Thesis: Pluralising Impartiality: A Feminist Agenda
  • Simon Copland - PhD Thesis: Reddit, The Manosphere and The Male Complaint
  • Michelle Staff - Research Article: Encountering 'the East': Travel and Internationalism in Bessie Rischbieth's Interwar Feminism

Date and Times


Room: Drama Theatre, Kambri Cultural Centre 153, Australian National University, Acton 2601
