Global energy transition and energy trade following Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Presented by ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences

The ANU Centre for European Studies (ANUCES), in collaboration with the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions (ICEDS), invites you to attend a joint conference "Global energy transition and energy trade following Russia's invasion of Ukraine."

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has escalated tensions between energy transition, energy security and energy trade, not only for Europe but also globally. Europe's united stance in response to Russia's aggression and the urgent need to overcome energy supply challenges may provide momentum to accelerate transition to renewable energy.

This conference brings together academics, policy makers and industry experts to explore the implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for energy transition. Participants will also discuss potential short-term problems faced by the European Union member states and long-term outlooks on global energy trade, as well as the role energy exporters such as the Middle East and Australia play in this context.

Date and Times


Room: Research School of Social Sciences Auditorium

