Living History Project - touring exhibition

Visit this mini touring exhibition from February to July 2022 showcasing artwork from the Living History Project.

What is The Living History Project?
As part of our 75th anniversary celebrations, our University has created a digital resource of images, audio-visual material, and memories from our staff, students, alumni, supporters and friends.
Touring locations for the mini exhibition
  1. Kambri Cultural Centre, ground floor from Tuesday 1 February to  Tuesday 22 March 2022
  2. Beryl Rawson building foyer, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences from Wednesday 23 March to 30 April 
  3. Catcheside court, RN Robertson Building, ANU College of Science from Wednesday 23 March to 30 April 
  4. Forestry building foyer, Fenner School of Environment and Society, (Current location)


  • This is a mini touring exhibition and therefore, artworks will be distributed in two concurrent locations to make it more accessible.
  • Accessible parking spaces are available around campus should you require them.
  • This is an  indoor space and ANU requires masks to be worn.
  • To help keep everyone safe, please ensure that you are familiar with, and follow, the advice from ACT Health regarding COVID-19.

Date and Times


Room: ANU Acton campus
