Lunch Vox #7 - Teaching first year undergraduates at ANU

Teaching first year courses can be challenging when compared to teaching later year courses. First-year conveners experience challenges due to student expectations or inexperience with university systems and discourse, while students may experience anxieties about living away from home for the first time or have concerns about their ability to do well in university courses.

Join the Centre for Learning and Teaching at the Lunch Vox webinar, as a panel of local and interstate voices explore the initiatives and practices first-year conveners enact to support students in their transition to ANU.

The panel will provide a range of perspectives on first year teaching from different academic disciplines. Panel members will discuss the practical innovations they have introduced to deal with the increased administrative load involved in teaching first year students, and the approaches they have taken to integrate support from other areas of the university (such as the libraries, or the Wellbeing team).




Date and Times



  •  The ANU Centre for Learning & Teaching (CLT)