Markets, Contracts and Organizations Conference

Presented by ANU College of Business & Economics

This conference explores the commonality of ideas and methods between the seemingly diverse field groupings of Industrial Economics, Contract Theory, and Organizational Economics on one hand and Macroeconomics, Development, and Trade on the other. The interaction between contracting and the market is central to current research in both groups. We encourage but do not restrict attention to applied economic theory and applied empirical research. Relevant theoretical contributions are most welcome.


This conference will include more than 50 speaking presentations, as well as two plenary addresses:

  • 29 June -- Swan Lecture by Professor Oliver Hart, Nobel laureate from Harvard University: "Exit vs. Voice: The Economics of Socially Responsible Investment"
  • 30 June -- Gruen lecture by Dr. Stephanie Hurder, World Economic Forum advisor and Prysm Group co-founder: "Smart Contracting in Practice"

Date and Times


