Media changing the story: media guidelines for the reporting of domestic, family and sexual violence in the Northern Territory

Presented by ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences

The Tangentyere Women's Family Group and Galiwin'ku Women's Space, with support from the Gender Institute, recently produced and released media guidelines for the reporting of domestic, family and sexual violence in the Northern Territory. These media guidelines were developed in collaboration with Aboriginal organisations, Aboriginal women's groups, specialist domestic, family and sexual violence services, and media professionals in the Northern Territory. These guidelines aim to provide advice for news stations, media organisations and media professionals on how to report safely and ethically about domestic, family and sexual violence in the Northern Territory. Media guidelines also provide guidance for police, health services and specialist domestic, family, and sexual violence services about how to communicate with media organisations and develop their own media releases.   
This presentation will outline the motivation and process for developing the guidelines, as well as give an overview of the guideline themselves. 

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