Mongolia Update June 2021

Presented by ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

Every two years the ANU Mongolia Institute sponsors a Mongolia Update. These updates aim to inform the public about Mongolia's social, political and environmental factors. In 2021 we will be presenting two Updates: an online Zoom-based update on 17 June and a full, hybrid online and in-person update in November. The theme for both of these updates will be health and wellbeing. In these pandemic times it is easy to forget the wide range of other health and wellbeing issues that confront us, so in these updates will provide a scholarly but non-technical view of a variety of such issues and responses to them.

The June update will feature presenters from around the globe, and is presented in an early morning session and a late afternoon session to accommodate wide-spread time zones. It also features a special online screening of a new documentary by Sas Carey about the daughter of reindeer-herding nomads who becomes a doctor and is torn between roles in the Mongolian taiga and in the bustling capital of Ulaanbaatar. This screening is sponsored by the Mongolia Institute and will be available between 15 June and 17 June, followed by a presentation from Sas Carey about her films, engagement with medicine and healing and over 25 years of experience in her second home of Mongolia.

Date and Times

