New Letters To Esterhazy

In this world-premiere tour of his New Letters To Esterhazy sonata, violinist-composer Rupert Guenther presents a suite of evocative improvisations in a highly personal response to life, just as a painter paints his pictures onto a blank canvas. The sonata was one of 5 new albums of the artist's improvisations commissioned and recorded by ABC Classic FM.


The music is full of sunlight, appreciation and hope, yet tenderly handles moments of despair, the winter darkness, and delicate new growth with great compassion. The concert concludes with three short contemplative works "Hakone Maple" styled on the ancient tradition of Japanese shakuhachi flute music, "So Many Stars", an Arabic-influenced composition, and "Wandjina", a short work describing the mythological Wandjina figure and its relationship with the Australian desert landscape and the ancient culture of the land.


Date and Times


Room: Larry Sitsky Recital Room

Cost Per Person

From: $33.00
