RETURN: Reconnecting objects and collections with people and places

Objects held in Australian and international museums are returning to Country. What is involved in these 'returns'?
What is activated when objects removed from Country are reconnected to people and place? How might it affect 'wellbeing' and 'resilience' - and how does it contribute to Indigenous cultural resurgence? How do such 'returns' re-story past, present, and future? Join in the yarn online or in-person.

Hear from Indigenous people from across Australia, including university-based researchers and museum professionals, who collaborate on projects to return objects, knowledge, and decision-making to local communities and groups. Over three days, speakers will present and reflect on a range of projects and activities - and raise questions about the implications of this work for the future.

This event is part of the Australian National University Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Grand Challenge. Hosted in association with the Museum of the Riverina.

Date and Times


CSU Riverina Playhouse
8 Cross Street
New South Wales
Wagga Wagga
