Suburb Zero ACT launch

Presented by ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics

Suburb Zero is coming to the Australian Capital Territory!

The ACT will be trialling a pilot project to demonstrate electrification of an existing suburb. The yet-to-be-chosen Canberra suburb will have its own set of unique challenges and will include multi-occupant dwellings, social housing and stand-alone residences.

The trial seeks to test solutions to the social, technological, regulatory and economic challenges associated with rapid decarbonisation of existing housing and apartments. The pilot also seeks to demonstrate full, retro-fitted, electrification of large, complex buildings, cold climate electrification and smart technology integration.

Join ACT Senator David Pocock, inventor and author Saul Griffith and a panel of local energy experts as we discuss this initiative and the ideas behind it.


5.30 pm - Refreshments

6 pm - Welcome and introduction by Professor Lachlan Blackhall, Head, Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, Australian National University

6.05 pm - Senator David Pocock, and inventor and author Saul Griffith in conversation

6.35 pm - Panel discussion moderated by Lachlan Blackhall. Panel members:

  • ACT Senator David Pocock
  • Saul Griffith, inventor and author
  • Sarah Reid, SuburbZero ACT community volunteer
  • Jon Sibley, Director with energy consultancy, enX
  • ANU social scientist TBC.

7.05 pm - Q&A

7.30 pm - Close

Register via Eventbrite.

Find out more about Suburb Zero ACT here:

Date and Times


Room: T2

