The 2023 Student Exhibition of the Exquisite Corpse

Presented by ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences

An exhibition showcasing the connection of art and anatomy as investigated through the interdisciplinary student intensive course, in collaboration with the ANU Medical School and ANU School of Art & Design. Exquisite Corpse - Insight Into The Human Body, is an undergraduate course offered by the ANU Medical School with sessions delivered at the School of Art & Design, Foundation Studies studios and Medical School anatomy facility.

Exquisite Corpse - Insight Into The Human Body, is an undergraduate course offered by the ANU Medical School with sessions delivered at the ANU School of Art & Design, Foundation Studies studios and Medical School anatomy facility.

The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to anatomy through visual arts, using an integrated approach. This year, students had the opportunity to gain knowledge and visual comprehension of the structures that compose the human body and develop communication skills relevant to both disciplines.

The structure and function of the body was explored and put in context using a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional materials and processes including live and anatomical models.

The course is co-taught by academics in the College of Arts and Social Sciences and The College of Health and Medicine.

Exhibition continues 20 July - 4 August

For more information about the course email

Date and Times


Room: Project Space (next to the ANU School of Art & Design Gallery and La Baguette cafe)
