The role of Earth Science in 21st century Australia - public symposium

Presented by ANU College of Science

The Research School of Earth Sciences is proud to host a public symposium on "The role of Earth Science in 21st century Australia"

Motivated in part by the recent closure of several prominent Earth science institutions, the event is aimed at improving awareness of the great diversity of research that is going on within our community and the important role it plays in informing many areas of critical societal relevance. Touching on topics including climate extremes, natural hazards, indigenous relationships, energy and resources, environmental management and policymaking, our panellists are:

Helen Degeling (Geological Survey of Queensland)

Matt England (University of New South Wales)

Melanie Finch (James Cook University)

Will Howard (Commonwealth Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment)


This hybrid event allows for in-person attendance on the ANU campus and online streaming over the Zoom platform, with opportunities for audience participation and discussion. The timeline will consist of:

5.30 - 6pm. Casual welcome mingle with drinks.

6 - 6.45pm. Introduction and 5-minute overview from each panellist (broadcast online).

6.45 - 7.30pm. Audience questions put to panellists and wider discussion (broadcast online).

7.30pm onwards. Refreshments with PhD student posters.

The symposium is open to all, regardless of background or prior experience, and we look forward to hearing your views and opinions. Further details can be found on this webpage. In addition, if you would like to further participate, we encourage you to film a brief, 15 second video clip outlining why your science is relevant to society and to upload it to the following link. We plan to choose a selection of clips to be shown in a short video montage at the opening of the event.

Date and Times


Room: China in the World Theatre

