Tuesday night writing sessions in the Gallery
Students, curators, writers, artists and HDR researchers – if you need dedicated time, company and an alternative venue for a writing project, come and join us on Tuesday evenings for a heads down productive ‘shut up and write evening’.
Our three hour evening session of writing in the gallery includes a short break for dinner and a chat. Bring your own dinner if you would like to eat during the break.
Upcoming sessions include: 18 and 25 March, 1, 8, 22 and 29 April and 6, 13, 20 and 27 May
Enjoy the surroundings of community and creativity to generate momentum on your writing. During the break take a moment to refresh and look at our exhibition Jonas Balsaitis: Analogue till April 13, then Eye to Eye: The Susan Taylor and Peter Jones Collection.
Tables and chairs provided. Attendance is free, but registration is essential. Please use the link above
29 Kingsley St
Acton, ACT, 2601
- Anne-Marie Jean02 61255832