Ukrainian Refugees in Australia: Current and Future Challenges

The ANU Medical Students' Society is honoured to welcome His Excellency Vasyl Myroshnychenko, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to Australia and New Zealand, to participate in this event.

The invasion in Ukraine has produced one of the most severe refugee crises in recent history. This refugee crisis is a gendered one, with up to 80% of people fleeing from the conflict being women and children. As Australia continues to welcome an increasing number of Ukrainian refugees from the conflict - students, volunteers, support workers and health care practitioners are increasingly engaging in support of highly traumatised refugees.

In discussing this topic, His Excellency will be joined by:

  • Dr Tanya Dus: Ukrainian-Australian psychiatrist, who is part of a support network for refugees who have experienced war trauma in Ukraine.
  • Mr Stefan Romaniw, OAM: Prominent community leader, and advocate for education and language learning for those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This free event will seek to ensure that students, teachers, volunteers, support workers and health care practitioners are aware of the cultural nuances for supporting this community, and are equipped with an understanding of how best to provide tailored support.

Registration is essential.


Date and Times


Room: Room 2.006, Finkel Lecture Theatre
