Who we are in the grand universe: from Earth to the furthest galaxies

Presented by ANU College of Science

There is a grand diversity of galaxies in the universe: some are red, others are blue.

Some galaxies have gorgeous spiral structures and others are giant spherical balls of stars.

In this talk, we will discover the physics that underpins and gives rise to the observed diversity of galaxies that make up the universe.

Special emphasis will be placed on the Hubble Space Telescope which enables the ability to observe individual stars in galaxies millions of light years away.

Join us as we celebrate the challenges and accomplishments of this amazing space-based observatory and be awe-struck by the images Hubble has captured of our universe.

Suitable ages: 6 -12+.

But if you're older and interested, join anyway!

Timezone: Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne [AEST]

About Katie

Dr. Katie Grasha is an observational astronomer at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University.

Her research focuses on understanding the physical connection between stars and their interaction and evolution with gas in galaxies using state-of-the-art ground- and space-based observatories.

She is originally from the United States, and obtained a PhD in astrophysics in 2018 from the University of Massachusetts.

She moved to the ANU in 2018 for her postdoctoral research and is now an ASTRO 3D Fellow. Of all the aspects of her job, she enjoys the reward of supervising students the most.


For ACT Residents

  • A small number of ACT residents will be able to join us in-person
  • The venue will be ANU Physics Link Studio
  • Participation in this session will be first-come best-dressed
  • Please register a ticket for every person attending
  • Multiple children from one family can attend
  • Each student must have a registered ticket
  • Parents must register a ticket for themselves also
  • We will be observing COVID-safe protocols
  • We encourage you to bring your own hand sanitisers etc.
  • - We encourage you to follow the ACT government and ANU guidelines on wearing masks
  • Register using the ''In-Person: ACT'' ticket on Eventbrite

For People Outside Australian Capital Territory

  • Going to space needs thousands of people to run things globally
  • You can join us via Zoom Live at the same time as ACT residents
  • Register using the ''Online'' ticket on Eventbrite

More details to follow in the upcoming weeks via email.

Closing Date

Registrations will close on Fri, 28 May, 5:30 pm.

Zoom Details

Zoom details will be shared on Fri, 28 May, 6 pm.

[Image: NASA]

Date and Times


Room: ANU Physics Link Studio

