Indigenous Reconciliation Scholarships

As a demonstration of its commitment to the national reconciliation process, ANU has developed its own Reconciliation Action Plan. This plan is a commitment by the University to help close unacceptable gaps, in particular socio-economic outcomes, between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Part of the University’s vision is to be a supportive learning environment where Indigenous Australians can achieve their aspirations.

One aim of the Reconciliation Action Plan is to increase the number of Indigenous students studying at ANU to a minimum of two and half per cent of total enrolments, to match the current proportion of the national Indigenous population.

To reach this goal we need your help. Your support of scholarships for Indigenous Australians will help to provide equal higher education opportunities. Your gift will help provide Indigenous students with support and encouragement allowing them the freedom and confidence to concentrate on their studies and be a part of the solution.

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