Steven Klimidis Endowment

The purpose of this Endowment is to support a prize at Masters or Doctoral levels known as the Steven Klimidis Memorial Prize in Clinical Psychology which would be awarded to a higher degree research student enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy degree program in Clinical Psychology or the Doctor of Psychology (Clinical)

About the donor

Dr Steven Klimidis enrolled in the PhD (Clinical Psychology) program in 1983 and submitted his doctoral thesis - Visual Information Processing Deficit in Schizophrenia - in 1988. His examiners spoke highly of the quality of his research and he was admitted to the degree shortly after. Following his time at the ANU, Steven pursued a very successful academic career in the Centre for International Mental Health at the University of Melbourne, reaching the rank of Associate Professor. He was looked upon as a truly pioneering researcher in the emerging field of transcultural psychiatry. Tragically, he passed away in 2008. This award has been generously provided by his wife, Nadia Ranieri and children, Nick and Anna.

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