MSI Mathematics Endowment

Priority area: Leading in our region
ANU is renowned worldwide for breakthroughs in mathematical research, ranging from algebraic geometry to computational mathematics, non-linear analysis and stochastics.

ANU has been instrumental in developing young mathematical minds. Since 1969, high school students have been welcomed to campus for the National Mathematics Summer School. Our University has led the way in creating an environment that supports world-class researchers. The first female professor at ANU, Hanna Neumann, was a Chair of Pure Mathematics from 1964.

Our discipline is constantly evolving. Today, computers are more powerful and the application of mathematics to bioinformatics is ever expanding. The volume of data being produced by science and industry is growing rapidly. Now, the demand for young mathematicians is greater than ever.

As the leading national university, ANU is ideally placed to meet this demand and create the next generation of mathematicians. ANU has created a new Bachelor of Mathematical Science degree that matches world-leading research with an elite teaching program. We want the best and brightest minds from around the world to choose to study mathematics at ANU, regardless of their circumstances. This can only happen with your continuing support.

By making a gift to MSI you will open doors for the next generation of young mathematicians. Your gift will provide students with scholarships, prizes, learning and development programs and career opportunities in fields such as finance, commerce, statistics, defence, physics and bioinformatics.

Your donation will empower the next generation of mathematical scientists to push the boundaries of mathematics.


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