The Game Change Fund
Following the devastating bushfires of 2019-20, a group of like-minded donors, the Game Change Enablers, aligned with the Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS) to establish the Game Change Fund to provide critical support to students working on urgent solutions to climate change and its impacts.
Acknowledging that future generations will be living with the consequences of climate change, the group wanted to empower students to find answers and make decisions about optimal responses and actions.
The Fund was established to support research into climate change through supplementary scholarships for Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions PhD scholars. The award will encourage an integrative approach to climate change solutions that crosses disciplinary and college boundaries.
Students undertaking a Doctor of Philosophy degree and a PhD project related to climate change are eligible for the scholarship of $10,000 per year.
Preference will be given to students from the emerging generation who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, from Pacific Island nations, or from rural and remote areas. Students must also be able to demonstrate financial disadvantage.
With your support, the emerging generation will have the resources they need to make decisions about one of the greatest challenges of our time and theirs.
The Fund will not only be transformational for recipients, it will also be game changing for the research field.
Become a Game Change Enabler
The Game Change Enablers, whose initiative created this fund, are a passionate community of individuals motivated to take meaningful action on climate. By joining the Game Change Enablers, you can hear from the Game Change scholars about their progress, about the research impact from ICEDS and from the Enablers themselves. Drop them a line at .
If you're interested to learn more about ICEDS and its activities, you can sign up to their e-newsletter here.

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