Future Women Leaders in Finance Fund

The gender pay gap in the fields of finance and economics and the injustices and imbalances it causes is impossible to ignore.

To help tackle these prevailing gaps in the market, the Future Women Leaders in Finance Fund has been established to encourage and assist women to enter, re-enter and achieve leadership roles across the financial services industry. The aim of this fund is to help create a new talent pool and pipeline for diversity in business leadership for the future through post-graduate education at the ANU College for Business and Economics.

We are seeking to raise $15,000 through 2023 in order to make an inaugural award to a post- graduate student in 2024. Funds received will also be flexible, to enable recipients to travel and participate in professional conferences and to cover other miscellaneous costs that help advance their career prospects.

Having women well represented in all levels of the economics profession is crucial for inclusive economic growth and leads to more effective and relevant economic outcomes for society as a whole.

- DR KAR MEI TANG (MAppEc '04),

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