Research School of Biology Innovation Fund

Priority area: Transforming our world
The Research School of Biology Innovation Fund supports the current and future strategic priorities of ANU with regard to Biology research, education and impact.

Current priorities for the Research School of Biology Innovation Fund include:

Protecting the High Mountains

The world's mountains define the water catchments that drive our societies and hold tremendous socio-cultural significance. They sequester carbon in subalpine woodlands, grasslands and organic soils, and are biodiversity hotspots. 

Australia's iconic high mountains provide critical water supply, clean energy, unique biodiversity, recreation and education opportunities. Their tourism, water and power contribution provide billions to the national economy. Yet our highlands face an ecological crisis from climate and land use change.

With your support, in partnership with management agencies we aim to co-develop and deliver a research agenda to inform new alpine management practices protecting the value of the mountain system in terms of biodiversity, tourism, agricultural yield and energy. Central to this will be the establishment of an alpine research centre and station to educate our students, build capacity, and thus facilitate a new era of transdisciplinary alpine research.

Your priority area

Donors to the Research School of Biology Innovation Fund may elect to direct their gift to the Research School of Biology Innovation Fund to any priority area or project within the Research School of Biology.

Please leave a note in the comments section when making your gift to indicate your preference.

Page Owner: Philanthropy