The Gavin Jones Memorial Fund

Priority area: Transforming our world

Support the School of Demography in building on research conducted in various fields of demography and human development - including topics such as low fertility regimes in Asia, urbanization issues, and equity aspects of educational development.

The School of Demography Research Endowment fund was established in recognition of Professor Gavin Jones's long standing service to the School of Demography, previously known as the Demography and Sociology Program. Professor Jones joined ANU to conduct his PhD in 1963 on the topic of 'The Growth of Malaysia's Labour Force'. This research was the start of a lifetime of research on Asian demographic issues. For many years, he was the most cited scholar on the demography of Asia. In his early career, his work was focussed on population and development, but he later became one of the world's leading scholars on the demography of the family. Click on this article to read more on Professor Jones's far-reaching impact.

Professor Jones is one of the great luminaries of, not just the School, but of the study of Demography in the region. Supporting this fund means ensuring Professor Jones's legacy of academic excellence and passion for demography, kind and thoughtful insights, and dedication to supporting early career researchers continues on in the students and academics who will follow in his footsteps.

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