Academic Board News – Meeting: 28 June 2022

28 Jun 2022

Academic Board News

Meeting 3/2022

28 June 2022


The ANU Academic Board's third meeting of the year took place on Tuesday 28 June 2022.

Report from the Vice-Chancellor
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) discussed key items contained in the Vice-Chancellor's report with members, including; wellbeing on campus, PARSA governance, the election of the new government and engagement with the new parliament, as well as key insights gleaned from the recent 2022 Planning and Performance dialogues held across the University.  

Report from the Chair
Following the end of Professor Imogen Mitchell's term on Academic Board, an election was held to identify the next Deputy Chair.  At the conclusion of that process, Professor Tony Connolly was elected Deputy Chair, Academic Board for a two year term. 

Research and Innovation Plan - Benchmarking ANU Research Performance
Academic Board discussed the Research and Innovation Plan and the methodology to benchmark ANU research performance. A key area of discussion was the adoption of a reliable and accurate mechanism to measure and compare ANU performance. Board members noted the benchmarking process must also recognise the distinct character and national identity of ANU.

Student Load 2025 Projection - Strategic Discussion
The Board discussed the 2025 student load projection figures. Analysing student load projections can provide context for Board operations and can help inform decision making. The ANU 2025 Student load projections dial graph was presented as a simplified mechanism for the Board to analyse student load data, identify risks to academic quality, develop initiatives and contribute to, report upon and monitor goals. The graph will be updated and presented to the Board for further discussion when student load projections are next made available.

Exams and Assessment at ANU
The Board discussed exams and assessment at ANU.  This discussion was prompted by an increase in integrity issues being dealt with as a result of the transition to online assessment during the pandemic. There are several challenges in the exam and assessment space that must be addressed to ensure concerning integrity trends do not continue.  Investment in IT infrastructure, training staff in pedagogical concepts and providing adequate resourcing for exam management are initiatives that will address some of the current challenges. The Board recommended a working group be established to set immediate priorities, identify risks, address issues and consider interim exam models.

Academic Board approved the following policy documents:

  • Late withdrawal policy and procedure
  • Class summary policy review
  • Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Procedure - Amendments to Requirements for Concessional Arrangements for Timed Assessments
  • Extension of validity of English Language proficiency tests - recognised as a response to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic for admission (approved out of session).

Other matters
Academic Board also considered other significant matters, including: the return of international students and support initiatives and incentives for International Students; the Admissions and Scholarships Incidents Report 2021; the Cases for English Language Equivalency (CELE) Report 2021; the report on Courses not taught at least once over the past three years 2019-2021, and an update from Admissions, Scholarships and Accommodation (ASA) 2024 - Recommendations from the Admissions Reform Review.

Next Meeting
Academic Board next meets on Tuesday 23 August 2022.


Professor Joan Leach
Chair, Academic Board