ANU comment on international borders

22 Nov 2021

The Australian National University has made the following comment following the Prime Minister's announcement on international borders today. 


We welcome today's commitment from the Federal Government to open borders to international students. This is an important step towards bringing our students back home to Canberra.

We've missed them and they've missed us. They want to get back to ANU and we can't wait to welcome them back as soon as we safely can.

International students are vital to Australia. They are good for our campuses, our classrooms, our communities and our cities.

They make a massive contribution.

ACT is the knowledge capital, and our campus is at the beating heart of it. International education is one of the most vital exports in the Territory and the nation.

We look forward to working with the Federal and ACT governments to bring our students home and to understand how this process will work for our students, what they need to do to return to Australia.

We will also work with the Government to give them the information they need, including around sufficient resourcing, to be ready to administer the relevant visa processes.


For Journalists

      James Giggacher
      +61 2 6125 7979