ANUAFC launches new Ngunnawal jersey design

27 May 2021

The Australian National University Australian Football Club (ANUAFC) has partnered with Ngunnawal artists, Richie Allan and Richard Allan Jr, and QTRBCK Wealth to design a Ngunnawal jersey for the club. 

The club officially launched the jersey during the Indigenous Round last weekend, and as part of celebrations for its 60th anniversary and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of its women's team. At the launch, Richie and Richard gave a Welcome to Country, and they shared the story of the jersey's design, including its connection to Country and the club. 

Richie is a well-known local artist who has been painting for more than 25 years. His paintings are about his Aboriginal spirituality and the connection he has with the land, water, trees and his totems, which are sacred objects for his people. Richard Allan Jr is starting his career as an artist and developed the jersey design for the club. 

"The artwork is based on the geographic area of ANU campus with paths and campgrounds symbolised by footprints and concentric circles," Richard said.  

"Sullivans Creek runs through the middle alongside today's South Oval. The wings on the back of the jersey are from the wedgetail eagle, a Ngunnawal totem, but also embody the club's logo of a griffin. The small dots are spirits. The colours of this design represent Ngunnawal Country, the Territory, the ANU, and the ANUAFC, all coming together." 

The design was sponsored by QTRBCK. QTRBCK prides itself on educating and empowering people to make informed decisions about their financial future to deliver better individual and community outcomes. 

"QTRBCK is proud to sponsor the ANUAFC Indigenous guernsey as it is the first step in our long-term ambition to progress community focused initiatives," QTRBCK Directors, Jeremy Hall and Tim Robb said in statement.  

"Having previously worked with organisations like the Indigenous Marathon Foundation, we are passionate about supporting Indigenous Australians in sport and the local community. 

"We are especially pleased to support local Ngunnawal artist, Richie Allan, in producing an artwork that connects local Indigenous heritage with our community and to play a small part in the journey towards reconciliation." 


ANUAFC is committed to using the Ngunnawal jersey in a respectful and culturally appropriate manner. The club has undertaken a consultation process with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander club members regarding the design, implementation and launch.


Story by ANU Sport, ANUAFC and ANU Communications & Engagement.