Council News – Meeting: 11 February 2021

12 Feb 2021

Council News  

Meeting 1/2021 and Planning Days

11 & 12 February 2021

The impact of 2020   

Following an unprecedented year of critical events that tested the entire ANU community, the Council met online for its first meeting of 2021. It then continued with in-depth strategic discussions as part of its annual Planning Days.     

Having dealt with bushfires and smoke and a once-in-a-generation hailstorm all in the first month of 2020, the Council was then faced with the enormity of responding to the global pandemic.

As we start a new year, the Council's focus is on protecting and supporting students and staff whilst preserving the University's financial position and global reputation.

Council again acknowledged and thanked the University leadership team and the entire ANU community for its magnificent response to such a confronting 12 months and did so with optimism, knowing that the University has prepared itself well to meet the challenges of the year ahead. 

Vice-Chancellor's Report

Council considered a detailed report prepared by the Vice-Chancellor focusing on the Senior Management Group (SMG) Retreat, student enrolments and government relations. 

Council also noted that the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020 was held on Monday 8 February 2021. It was hosted across Llewellyn Hall, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Singapore, Beijing and Shanghai, with 910 graduating students attending in person, and 3,513 people attending digitally via livestream.

State of the University 2021

The Vice-Chancellor delivered the State of the University address 2021  on Wednesday 10 February.

Corporate Plan 2021

Council approved the ANU Strategic Plan 2021-2024 - which serves as the Corporate Plan 2021 - as required by the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, and authorised its transfer to the relevant Ministers, and its publication. 

ANU Below Zero

Council considered the ANU Below Zero Strategy and approved a series of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.  Further information can be found on the ANU Below Zero Website.

Other matters

Council considered a range of other significant matters, including: The University's Investment Strategy for 2021, a new Reconciliation Action Plan, and summaries of Council Committee and Academic Board activity since December 2020.     

Council Planning Days

Following the meeting, Council continued with its annual Planning Days, where it discussed in detail the following:

  • Next Strategic Plan - ANU 2025
  • Student Recruitment Strategy
  • Student Experience
  • College of Health and Medicine - Transform (Project)
  • Government Engagement
  • Industry Engagement.  

At the conclusion of the Planning Days, a range of action items and reporting milestones for 2021 were agreed.      

Next Meeting

Council next meets on Friday 9 April 2021.

The Hon Julie Bishop
