Message to students from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic

Updates for results release date and end of year graduations
01 Oct 2021

Dear students  

I am writing to advise you of some updates on semester two results and graduations at the end of the year.  

I understand remote learning has been frustrating for many of you, and I appreciate your patience during this time.  
To allow sufficient time for processing grades including the CRS/CRN system, we will move the formal result release date from 2 December 2021 to 8 December 2021. Implementing the CRS/CRN opt-in adds additional pressure to our academic and administrative staff during this busy time of the year. I hope everyone understands and I am sorry if this causes any inconvenience for our students.  

Due to the change in date for release of results, there will not be enough time to organise graduation ceremonies at the end of year so close to Christmas. We are also unsure of what COVID-19 restrictions may be in place for large events so we have made the difficult decision to cancel December graduation ceremonies. This will not affect any graduate job seeking as you will be conferred in absentia on 20 December 2021 and your academic transcript, testamur, and your Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement will be available via MyEquals before Christmas. Your hard-copy testamur will be posted to you in the new year.  

We will still have a chance to celebrate with all of you at a hybrid graduation celebration in early 2022. This event will be similar to the successful graduation celebration we hosted earlier this year for our 2020 cohort, which everyone could join virtually irrespective of any travel restrictions.  

The hybrid graduation celebration will be on Wednesday 9 February 2022 and be open for the entire 2021 cohort - students will be invited to attend the hybrid graduation ceremony in November, so please keep an eye out for updates.  

We understand graduation is an important milestone and we want to ensure you also have the opportunity celebrate with a traditional ceremony. We will hold a block of traditional graduation ceremonies in July 2022 to give our 2020 and 2021 graduates the chance to walk across the stage in their full regalia. You may attend both the hybrid graduation and the traditional ceremony.  

These have been stressful and uncertain times, so please make sure you are reaching out for support if you need to. We have a number of support services available for our community. Here are some links you might find useful: 

Kind regards,  

Professor Grady Venville

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)